The regulation of Rab expression to modulate cellular function has recently been proposed. Dendritic cells are a prototypic example of cells that drastically alter their function in response to environmental cues by reducing endocytosis, secreting cytokines, changing surface protein repertoires and altering morphology and migration. This is not a binary event, but is subject to fluctuations through the activation process, termed maturation. Consequently, DCs transiently increase endocytosis and production of major histocompatibility complex class II molecules, and secrete inflammatory cytokines in infected tissues before migrating to secondary lymph nodes and releasing T cell polarizing factors. All these cellular processes rely on intracellular membrane transport, which is regulated by Rab family GTPases and their diverse effectors. Here we examine how the Rabs likely to be involved in these functions are regulated throughout DC maturation. We find that Rab expression is altered upon lipopolysaccharide-induced activation, and discuss how this correlates to the reported functions of these cells during maturation.