Background: Parental mental illness has been found to have an impact on offsprings in their emotional, social, and behavioral aspects of life.
Aims: To examine the experiences of offsprings of a parent having schizophrenia and to study their resilience.
Materials and methods: A sample of 45 adults with one parent diagnosed with schizophrenia was selected using purposive sampling. Subjects were assessed using socio-demographic data sheet, semi-structured interview schedule, and Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale.
Results: The experiences perceived by them as different from children of healthy parents included negative experiences in social (49%) and emotional aspects (40%), lack of support from the parent who is ill (40%), and burden (66%) in various areas. Majority of the offsprings were satisfied with the parenting received (70%). About 60% of them reported medium resilience, and 24% and 15% reported high and low resilience, respectively. Majority of those with medium and high resilience had supportive relationship with other family members. Social support was the most frequently reported factor that helped them to cope with difficulties.
Conclusions: Growing up with a parent having mental illness can have negative impact on offsprings. However, it can also have positive effects in terms of developing resilience in the presence of good support system.
Keywords: Offsprings; parent with schizophrenia; resilience; social support; vulnerability.