Poly(oligo(ethylene glycol)ethyl ether methacrylate (POEGMA246) coatings were successfully fabricated using novel approach via polymerization from oligoperoxide grafted to premodified glass substrate. Wettability, content and composition of coatings fabricated with different polymerization times were determined using contact angle measurements, ellipsometry and Time of Flight-Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMS). Thermo- and pH-responsive properties of POEGMA246 coatings were found to depend significantly on concentration of the grafted POEGMA246. Coatings fabricated with polymerization time 30 h exhibit not only temperature- but also pH-dependence of wettability. Thermal response of wettability, measured between 20 and 32°C, was prominent at pH 9 and 7 and diminished or was absent at pH 5 and 3, indicating a transition between hydrated loose coils and hydrophobic collapsed chains, blocked at low pH. Protein adsorption, observed by fluorescence microscopy and analyzed semi-quantitatively using integral geometry approach, decreased dramatically for model protein (lentil lectin labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate) at transition from pH 5 to pH 9, showing only very weak thermal-dependence. Strong protein adsorption response to pH and very weak one to temperature was confirmed by TOF-SIMS and Principal Component Analysis.
Keywords: Graft polymerization; Protein adsorption; Stimuli-responsive polymer coatings; Time of Flight-Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry; Wettability.
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