Prediction of human pharmacokinetics of new drugs, as well as other disposition attributes, has become a routine practice in drug research and development. Prior to the 1990s, drug disposition science was used in a mostly descriptive manner in the drug development phase. With the advent of in vitro methods and availability of human-derived reagents for in vitro studies, drug-disposition scientists became engaged in the compound design phase of drug discovery to optimize and predict human disposition properties prior to nomination of candidate compounds into the drug development phase. This has reaped benefits in that the attrition rate of new drug candidates in drug development for reasons of unacceptable pharmacokinetics has greatly decreased. Attributes that are predicted include clearance, volume of distribution, half-life, absorption, and drug-drug interactions. In this article, we offer our experience-based perspectives on the tools and methods of predicting human drug disposition using in vitro and animal data.