Purpose: To report on the safety and adequacy of surveillance biopsy for detecting subclinical lesions in clinically stable renal grafts.
Materials and methods: We established an in-patient surveillance biopsy program with the elective performance of a renal transplant biopsy during the first year after renal transplantation. All biopsies in our centre were performed or supervised by the same operator. Patients were admitted to the hospital the day of biopsy and were discharged after 24h of observation. All patients were biopsied in supine position, using a 16-gauge needle with a spring-loaded gun (Bard) under real-time ultrasound guidance. Complication rates were retrospectively scored using the patients' charts and blood counts before and after biopsy. Major complications were defined as those requiring an intervention for resolution, a transfusion of blood products or an invasive procedure (angiography or surgery), and those that led to acute renal obstruction or failure, septicaemia, graft loss or death. In all other cases complications were considered minor. An adequate biopsy was defined as the presence of 7 or more glomeruli and at least one artery in the biopsy specimen.
Results: We performed 282 surveillance biopsies in 248 patients between January 2006 and December 2011. None of the complications were major. We observed 6% minor complications (n = 17). 5.6% (n = 16) of the complications were related to bleeding, with macroscopic haematuria as the most common condition (n = 10; 3.5%), followed by pain (n = 6; 2.1%) eighter due to a perinephric hematoma (n = 5) or a subcutaneous hematoma (n = 1). The biopsies contained a median number of 9 glomeruli (range 0-39) with 70% of biopsies containing at least 7 glomeruli and one artery.
Conclusion: The procedure for taking surveillance biopsies was proven to be safe. There were no major complications and only rare minor complications. The majority of the samples were adequate for histological examination.