An increasingly amount of evidence suggests that lung ultrasonography constitutes a relevant complementary diagnostic tool for adults patient in acute respiratory failure. A comprehensive and standardized ultrasonographic semiology has been described, relying on accurate and reproducible data directly obtained at patient's bedside. Therefore, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, pulmonary consolidation and interstitial lung disease can be diagnosed in a critical care environment with a similar level of performance than when reference diagnosis methods such as thoracic CT-scan are employed. Furthermore, lung ultrasonography seems to be able to contribute to an early therapeutic decision based on such online physiopathological data. Pioneers works in this field have suggested an attractive similarity between the ultrasonographic patterns described in adults and children. Nevertheless, the clinical usefulness of lung ultrasonographic approach in the pediatric critical care medicine still needs to be confirmed by specifically designed studies.
Keywords: Bedside ultrasound; Critical ultrasound; Lung ultrasound; Neonate intensive care; Paediatric community-acquired pneumonia; Pediatric; Pédiatrie; Ultrasons au lit du malade; Échographie pulmonaire.
Copyright © 2013 Société française d’anesthésie et de réanimation (Sfar). Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.