Curcumin has various biological activities including antioxidant and antiinflammatory actions, and alcohol detoxification. However, because of its poor absorption efficiency, it is difficult for orally administered curcumin to reach blood levels sufficient to realize its bioactivities. We have generated capsules and tablets containing Theracurmin, a highly absorptive curcumin. In addition, we recently created a drinkable preparation of Theracurmin. To evaluate the absorption efficiency of this type of curcumin, we performed a single-dose, double-blind, 4-way crossover study. We compared plasma curcumin levels after the administration of Theracurmin beverage and 3 other drinkable types of curcumin sold in Japan. Twenty-four healthy subjects (male/female=13/11, age: 23-32) were administered with these 4 drinkable preparations of curcumin. The area under the blood concentration-time curve at 0-8 h was found to be 1.5 to 4.0-fold higher with Theracurmin than with the other 3 kinds of curcumin beverage. Moreover, maximal plasma curcumin concentrations (0-8 h) of Theracurmin were 1.8 to 3.8 times higher than those of the other 3 curcumin beverages. These data indicate that our newly prepared Theracurmin beverage exhibits a much better absorption efficiency than other kinds of curcumin beverage sold in Japan.