CD4 T cell memory generation is shaped by a number of factors, including the strength and duration of TCR signaling, as well as the priming environment, all of which can be modified by B cells. Studies using B cell-deficient mice indicate B cells play a critical role in generating effector and memory CD4 T cells; however, when and how B cells are acting to promote these responses has not yet been ascertained. In this study, we use anti-CD20 Ab depletion of B cells at different times following Listeria monocytogenes infection to show that B cells are necessary for the induction of optimal CD4 T cell memory, but not for the transition and maintenance of this population. Importantly, the prerequisite of B cells early postinfection is partially dependent on their expression of MHC class II. B cells are not only required during the priming phase, but also necessary for the initiation of robust secondary responses by memory CD4 T cells. Interestingly, the requirement during the recall response is independent of B cell Ag presentation. Overall, these studies demonstrate the temporally and functionally distinct roles for B cells in regulating CD4 T cell responses.