The consumption of dates with coffee is common among Arabs and may affect postprandial hyperglycemia ex-cursion. The study aimed to determine the effect of coffee on the glycemic index of a common variety of dates (Khalas) tested in healthy and type 2 diabetes mellitus individuals. Study subjects were thirteen healthy volunteers (mean age: 40.2±6.7 years) and ten diabetic participants with a mean HbA1c of 6.6±(0.7%) and a mean age of 40.8±5.7 years. Each subject participated in five days of tests with 50 g of glucose and 50 g equivalent of available carbohydrates from the dates (with/without coffee). Capillary glucose was measured in the healthy subjects at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 min, and for the diabetics at 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 min. Glycemic indices were determined as ratios of the incremental areas under the response curves for the interventions. Statistical analyses were performed using the independent samples and paired t-tests. Mean±SE glycemic indices of the Khalas dates for the healthy individuals were 55.1±7.7 and 52.7±6.2 without and with coffee consumption, respectively. Similar values were observed for those with diabetes (53.0±6.0 and 41.5±5.4). Differences between glycemic indices of Khalas with or without coffee were not significant (p=0.124). There were no significant differences in glycemic index between the diabetic and healthy subjects (p=0.834 and p=0.202 without and with coffee respectively). In conclusion, at least in the short term, coffee does not adversely affect capillary glucose levels following Khalas dates consumption in healthy and diabetic volunteers.
阿拉伯人喝咖啡時,食用椰棗是常見的,這可能影響餐後高血糖波動。此研究 為評估咖啡對於健康者及第二型糖尿病患者食用普及的Khalas 椰棗的升糖指 數影響。研究對象為13 名健康志願者(平均年齡為40.26.7 歲)及10 名糖尿病 參與者,其平均糖化血色素為6.6±0.7%、平均年齡為40.8±5.7 歲。每名參與者 接受五天測試,給予50 公克葡萄糖以及50 公克等量碳水化合物的椰棗(有或 無喝咖啡)。測量健康參與者在0、15、30、45、60、90 及120 分鐘與糖尿病 者在0、30、60、90、120、150 及180 分鐘的微血管血糖濃度。升糖指數以介 入後的反應曲線下面積增加率為評量依據。統計分析是使用獨立樣本與配對t 檢定。健康者無或有攝取咖啡的椰棗升糖指數(平均數±標準誤)分別是55.1±7.7 及52.7±6.2。在糖尿病患者觀察到類似的數值(53.0±6.0 及41.5±5.4)。Khalas 椰 棗在有或無咖啡攝取的升糖指數差異沒有達到顯著。糖尿病跟健康者的升糖指 數亦沒有顯著差異。結論是,至少就短期效應而言,咖啡對於健康及糖尿病者 攝取椰棗後的微血管血糖值沒有影響。