Conclusion: Cutting needle biopsy (CNB) combined with immunohistochemical study of myeloperoxidase (MPO) is a useful minimally invasive diagnostic procedure for histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis (HNL).
Objectives: HNL is mainly diagnosed by pathological findings of open surgical biopsy (OSB) specimens. Recently the appearance of anti-MPO positive histiocytes has been reported as a highly specific pathological diagnosis for HNL. Considering the cosmetic impact and burden on the patients, we performed CNB combined with immunohistochemical study of MPO for the diagnosis of HNL. Few studies have reported the utility of this method in the diagnosis of HNL.
Methods: A retrospective study was conducted using clinical data from 20 HNL patients.
Results: CNB was performed in 8 patients and OSB in 13 (OSB after CNB in 1). MPO-positive histiocytes were observed in all of the 20 cases. The accuracy of the diagnoses was finally confirmed by the clinical courses in all cases.