cDNA clones for rat muscle-type creatine kinase and glycogen phosphorylase and aldolase A were isolated from a rat muscle cDNA library. An additional clone recognizing an unidentified 2.7-kilobase pair mRNA species was also isolated. These cDNA clones were used as probes to investigate the expression of the corresponding mRNAs during muscle development. Two aldolase A mRNA species were detected, one of 1650 bases expressed in non-muscle tissues, fetal muscle, and adult slow-twitch muscle, the other of 1550 bases was highly specific of adult fast-twitch skeletal muscle differentiation. These aldolase A mRNAs were shown by primer extension to differ by their 5' ends. The accumulation of muscle-type phosphorylase and creatine kinase and muscle-specific aldolase A mRNA accumulation during muscle development seems to be a coordinate process occurring progressively from the 17th day of intrauterine life up to the 30th day after birth. In contrast, the 2.7-kilobase pair RNA species is maximally expressed at the 1st week after birth as is the neonatal form of myosin heavy chain mRNA.