Using isolated healthy human leucocytes and erythrocytes as model cells, we investigated the inhibitory effect of ethanol, its metabolites and of other toxic alcohols on the active fluxes of rubidium (Rb: equivalent to K) and sodium (Na), and on Na,K-ATPase activity. Ethanol (80 mmol X l-1) inhibited total and ouabain-sensitive 86Rb influx and 22Na efflux in leucocytes, this being dose-related for total, ouabain-sensitive and ouabain-insensitive fluxes at higher concentrations. In erythrocytes inhibition occurred at 20 mmol X l-1 for 86Rb influx, dose-related at higher concentrations as for leucocytes. 22Na efflux was inhibited at 80 mmol X l-1 and above. Acetaldehyde (0.1 and 0.2 mmol X l-1), 1,2-propanediol (0.8 mmol X l-1) and 2,3-butanediol (0.4 mmol X l-1) inhibited all fractions of 86Rb influx in erythrocytes, but not in leucocytes. Methanol, 2-propanol and 1,2-ethanediol (16 and 32 mmol X l-1) inhibited 86Rb influx in erythrocytes, but not in leucocytes. The order of potency was 2-propanol greater than 1,2-ethanediol greater than methanol. Na,K-ATPase activity was inhibited in lysed leucocyte and erythrocyte preparations only at very high concentrations of the alcohols--suggesting that inhibition is due to an alteration in membrane structure and not to a direct effect on the enzyme.