In the Czech Republic bone scintigraphy has still been performed routinely as a part of preoperative staging examinations of early breast carcinomas, which had been in 42% diagnosed in the national breast cancer screening program. The incidence of synchronnous distant metastases was analysed for a subgroup of T1N0 breast carcinomas using the database of the Czech National Cancer Registry. Out of 21,675 women with T1N0 breast carcinomas diagnosed in the decade of 2001-2010 the potential occurence of various distant metastases (M1) was estimated in 147 cases (0,68%). Since only approximately 40% of all distant metastases were skeletal (M1 OSS), the pro-bability of bone metastases in T1N0 breast cancer does not exceed 0,3-0,4%. Distant metastases were present in 0,5% in a subgroup of well and moderately differentiated carcinomas and up to 1,2% in poorly differentiated and anaplastic tumors, however, only a minor part (0,2% and 0,5%, respectively) involved bones. We conclude that preoperative bone scintigraphy is overused and undue in more than 99% of Czech women with early breast cancer T1N0. Skeletal scintigraphy as a staging procedure for small breast carcinoma T1N0 may perhaps be recommended only postoperatively and very selectively with regards to individual risk factors and symptomatology.