Ozone (O3) fluxes above a temperate mountain grassland were measured by means of the eddy covariance (EC) method using a slow-response O3 analyser. The resultant flux loss was corrected for by a series of transfer functions which model the various sources of high- and, in particular, low-pass filtering. The resulting correction factors varied on average between 1.7 and 3.5 during night and day time, respectively. A cospectral analysis confirmed the accuracy of this approach. O3 fluxes were characterised by a comparatively large random uncertainty, which during daytime typically amounted to 60 %. EC O3 fluxes were compared against O3 flux measurements made concurrently with the flux-gradient (FG) method. The two methods generally agreed well, except for a period between sun rise and early afternoon, when the FG method was suspected of being affected by the presence of photochemical sources/sinks. O3 flux magnitudes and deposition velocities determined with the EC method compared nicely with the available literature from grassland studies. We conclude that our understanding of the causes and consequences of various sources of flux loss (associated with any EC system) has sufficiently matured so that also less-than-ideal instrumentation may be used in EC flux applications, albeit at the cost of relatively large empirical corrections.
Keywords: cospectra; flux-gradient method; frequency response corrections; grassland; random uncertainty; transfer function.