Local recurrence in anastomotic region after resection of stomach cancer is not a rare event. The role of radiotherapy in palliative treatment is commonly underestimated. Our experiences were demonstrated in 2 treatment groups (megavoltage therapy alone, 23 cases; in combination with neutrons, 13 patients). Decrease in dysphagia in 75% of patients was comparable with roentgenologic findings, where reduced tumor in 63% was established. These encourageable findings were confirmed in examination of anastomotic region in autopsy (megavoltage therapy 14 cases, combined neutron therapy 12 cases). Smaller tumors could be totally destroyed by megavoltage therapy. The local tumor destroying rate increased by combination with neutrons (6/12 cases). No advantage in life prolongation could be stated, because local recurrence was quickly followed by widespread disease (77%). Finally we demonstrate a treatment plan, which bases on our clinical experience. With 3-4 fractions of 5-7 Gy a real clinical and radiological demonstrable palliation effect is to be reached.