Context: The elbow is a complex joint and commonly injured in athletes. Evaluation of the elbow by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an important adjunct to the physical examination. To facilitate accurate diagnosis, a concise structured approach to evaluation of the elbow by MRI is presented.
Evidence acquisition: A PubMed search was performed using the terms elbow and MR imaging. No limits were set on the range of years searched. Articles were reviewed for relevance with an emphasis of the MRI appearance of normal anatomy and common pathology of the elbow.
Results: The spectrum of common elbow disorders varies from obvious acute fractures to chronic overuse injuries whose imaging manifestations can be subtle. MRI evaluation should include bones; lateral, medial, anterior, and posterior muscle groups; the ulnar and radial collateral ligaments; as well as nerves, synovium, and bursae. Special attention should be paid to the valgus extension overload syndrome and the MRI appearance of associated injuries when evaluating throwing athletes.
Conclusion: MRI evaluation of the elbow should follow a structured approach to facilitate thoroughness, accuracy, and speed. Such an approach should cover bone, cartilage, muscle, tendons, ligaments, synovium, bursae, and nerves.
Keywords: elbow; ligaments; magnetic resonance imaging; tendons.