Background: Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is a negative regulator of immune responses and was previously shown to be expressed by human nasal endothelial cells, while the adhesion molecule MECA-79 plays a role in trans-endothelial migration of immune competent cells. In this study we investigate the relationship between endothelial IL-10 and MECA-79 expression to address the question whether immune competent cells could be affected at the mucosal entry site.
Methods: Nasal turbinate biopsies were taken from house dust mite allergic patients, before and after nasal allergen provocation. Subsequent slides of biopsies were stained for IL10, MECA-79, CD34, and IL10-Receptor. Capillaries, arteries/veins, and sinusoids were evaluated separately.
Results: 90% of sinusoids are IL-10 positive and all sinusoids are negative for MECA-79, while 4.8% of capillaries are positive for IL-10, and 2.2% are positive for MECA-79. Although about 47% of arteries/veins are positive for IL-10 and 57.1% are positive for MECA-79, only about 20% are positive for both markers. Furthermore, we showed that the myo-fibroblasts surrounding all sinusoids stain positive for IL10R.
Conclusions: IL10 expression on vascular structures is not related to MECA expression for sinusoids and capillaries and only partly related on arteries/veins, however sinusoidal endothelial IL10 expression is always seen in combination with IL-10R expression of sinusoidal myo-fibroblasts.