A program to facilitate retention of employment among persons with multiple sclerosis

Work. 1996;7(1):37-46. doi: 10.3233/WOR-1996-7106.


Objectives: The objective was to develop and evaluate the feasibility of a medical-community job-retention model in MS.

Study design: 43 individuals with MS at risk for losing their jobs were randomized to one of two groups. Both received standard medical care. The experimental group received specialized services geared toward job-retention conducted by medical personnel and an employment specialist. The control group received only standard medical care. Both groups were followed for 1 year.

Results: The new program was feasible, however, participants made little use of its services. At the I-year follow-up there was no difference between the two groups in job retention.

Conclusions: A combined medical-community job-retention program is feasible in MS. However, patients do not generally wish to take advantage of job-retention services until an employment crisis develops. Future programs should develop more effective approaches to early intervention to realize their maximum potential.

Keywords: Chronic illness; Disability; Job retention; Rehabilitation; Vocational.