Research and standard care: lung cancer in china

Am Soc Clin Oncol Educ Book. 2012:432-6. doi: 10.14694/EdBook_AM.2012.32.36.


China has an enormous burden from rising tobacco consumption and lung cancer incidence. Governmental intervention on lung cancer prevention is insufficient, and both incidence and mortality related to lung cancer are still on the rise. Treatment guidelines are available, but heterogeneity in the quality of care between centers, especially the disparity between urban and rural areas, have resulted in inconsistent care to patients with lung cancer. Despite knowledge on molecular-targeted therapy, only a small fraction of patients have access to routine EGFR mutation analysis. Platinum-based doublet chemotherapy remains the most commonly used regimen irrespective of mutation status. On a positive note, both clinical and translational research on lung cancer are in rapid progress. The Chinese Thoracic Oncology Group (CTONG) has already contributed substantially to the care of patients with lung cancer and is expected to continue in the trend.