Cobalt selenium oxohalides: catalysts for water oxidation

Dalton Trans. 2014 Mar 14;43(10):3984-9. doi: 10.1039/c3dt53452a. Epub 2014 Jan 22.


Two new oxohalides Co4Se3O9Cl2 and Co3Se4O10Cl2 have been synthesized by solid state reactions. They crystallize in the orthorhombic space group Pnma and the monoclinic space group C2/m respectively. The crystal structure of the two compounds are made up of similar building blocks; Co4Se3O9Cl2 is made up of [CoO4Cl2], [CoO5Cl] and [SeO3] polyhedra and Co3Se4O10Cl2 is made up of [CoO4Cl2] and [SeO3] polyhedra. As several Co-containing compounds have proved to be good catalysts for water oxidation, the activities of the two new compounds were compared with the previously found oxohalide Co5Se4O12Cl2 in reference to CoO and CoCl2. The one electron oxidant Ru(bpy)3(3+) was used as oxidizing species in a phosphate buffer and it was found that the activities of the oxohalide species were in between CoO and CoCl2. The roles of Cl(-) and PO4(3-) ions are discussed.