Background: Against the background of the continuously growing incidence rates of gerontopsychiatric disorders, their economic dimen-sions, and the effects on persons affected as well as their social environments, the present study focuses on an analysis of the services provided in acute psychiatric care settings for patients with dementia. RESULTS are based on secondary data.
Aim of the study: We aim to compare therapeutic service units of different clusters of occupational groups (physicians/psychologists, nurses/special therapists) for the ICD-10 diagnostic groups F00-F03 and G30 in the years 2010 (starting with July) and 2011. Main research question is how many patients are mappable with 'therapeutic units' (Therapieeinheiten, TE) of the operation and procedures catalogue (OPS).
Methods: The present study is based on an analysis of the §21 KHEntgG data record of 35 acute psychiatric facilities. Data collection took place within the project "Versorgungsindikatoren für die Psychiatrie und Psychosomatik (VIPP)", "Supply indicators for psychiatric and psychosomatic settings". The data record implies statewide data of specialised hospitals, university hospitals and departments of psychiatry of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Results: In total, 5 111 cases were included in the analysis. Nurses and special therapists carried out significantly more therapeutic units in the main diagnoses groups (F01, F03 and G30) and the care groups (regular vs. intensive) than physicians and psychologists (p<0.05). It was not possible to map all patients with the use of therapeutic units (G30 78.8%, F01 83.4%, F03 81.2%). Mapping of patients was significantly higher in the intensive care compared to regular care in both occupational clusters (p<0.05).
Conclusions: We demonstrated that the "therapeutic units" of the OPS codes are now used in the routine data (§21 KHEntgG), and that they are able to portray relevant aspects of non-medication therapeutic service. The present study provides a preliminary/exploratory overview on the services provided, mapped by therapeutic units. Future research should focus on the overlap between the category "therapeutic" units and the services actually provided.
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.