IASI, DURING OCTOBER 2010-JULY 201The arterial hypertension of the elderly represents an important public health issue, with an ever increasing tendency, due to the population ageing process.
Aim: The aim of this research is to contribute new data related to the incidence of essential hypertension in elderly patients with metabolic syndrome.
Material and methods: The current study was conducted on a number of 1,832 patients hospitalized in the Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Clinic of Rehabilitation Hospital Iasi, in the period October 2010-July 2012. Of these patients we selected the ones who were 65 years of age or more and who fulfilled at least three of the five criteria that define the metabolic syndrome, using the criteria recommended by AHA/NHLBI.
Results: The data obtained revealed an increased incidence of the cardiometabolic syndrome in patients over 65 years of age, in a percentage of 73%. The gender repartition revealed a higher frequency in the case of female patients (66%). Of the metabolic syndrome criteria, the highest incidence was registered for the essential hypertension. Most of the hypertensive patients were diagnosed with essential hypertension grade 3 (55%), while the rest had grade 2 (29%) and grade 1 respectively (16%).
Conclusion: EHT has a significant occurrence in elderly patients. It seems that hypertension of the elderly has a higher occurrence in the case of female patients, due to the lack of hormonal protection. The association with the other risk factors related to the metabolic syndrome makes the elderly more prone to the occurrence and development of cardiovascular diseases.