In a national multicentre trial in the FRG patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma in stages CS/PS III B/IV were entered into the HD 3 protocol and received induction chemotherapy with 3 x (COPP + ABVD). Patients in complete remission (CR) received consolidation therapy by either radiotherapy (20 Gy IF) or chemotherapy (COPP + ABVD). Patients not in CR received salvage therapy (40 Gy in case of persisting nodal disease, else 4 x CEVD chemotherapy). Between July 1983 and May 1987 230 untreated patients aged 15 to 60 qualified for this HD 3 protocol. This analysis is based on the first 137 patients evaluable for response. Of these, 86 (63%) achieved CR after induction chemotherapy. Including salvage therapy a total of 104 patients (76%) achieved CR. Univariate and multivariate prognostic risk factor analyses were performed using freedom from treatment failure (FFTF) as endpoint. Sex, age, splenectomy, bone marrow, liver and bone involvement had no prognostic impact nor had stage according to the Ann Arbor classification. In contrast, a pretreatment erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) above 80 mm/h and a serum alkaline phosphatase (AP) above 230 IU/ml appeared as significant risk factors (p less than 0.01, relative risk 2.3). The two parameters were not independent. Comparing a group A (ESR less than or equal to 80 and AP less than or equal to 230) versus a pooled group B (ESR greater than 80 and/or AP greater than 230) increased the difference (p less than 0.001, relative risk of 2.8) which was also significant for survival (p less than 0.04).