Objective: To investigate the gastric emptying of an oral supplement containing carbohydrate plus whey protein drunk before sedation for gastroscopy.
Methods: This is a randomized double-blind trial including adult patients (ages 18-65) with a chief complaint of epigastric burning and who were candidates to elective gastroscopy. After overnight fast subjects were randomized to drink 200 mL of an oral nutritional supplement containing maltodextrine in addition to whey protein 150 to 210 min before the gastroscopy (intervention group, n = 12) or to undergo the endoscopic procedure with no supplement (control group, n = 12). The residual gastric volume (RGV) suctioned and measured during the exam was the main endpoint of the study.
Results: There were no complications during all exams. The median (range) fasting time was greater (P < 0.001) in control group (770 min, ranging from 660-917 min) than in the study group (175 min ranging from 150 to 210 min). The median (range) RGV was similar in between the two groups (control group: 25 (10-70) mL versus intervention group: 10 (0-100) mL; p = 0.32).
Conclusion: Gastric emptying 150-210 min after the ingestion of an oral supplement containing carbohydrate plus whey protein is similar to an overnight fasting condition. Although limited by the number of cases, the sedation for endoscopic procedures is safe with this fasting protocol.
Objetivo: Investigar el vaciado gástrico de un suplemento oral que contiene hidratos de carbono, más proteínas de suero de leche tomado antes de la sedación para endoscopia. Método: Se trata de un estudio doble ciego aleatorizado, que incluyó pacientes adultos (18-65 años de edad) por presentar epigastralgia y que eran candidatos a gastroscopia electiva. Después de una noche de ayuno los pacientes fueron asignados aleatoriamente para tomar 200 ml de un suplemento nutricional oral que contiene maltodextrina y proteína de suero de leche, de 150 a 210 minutos antes de la sedación, para gastroscopia (grupo de intervención, n = 12) o continuar en ayuno para el procedimiento endoscópico (grupo control, n = 12). El volumen gástrico residual (RGV) aspirado y medido durante el examen fue la variable de evaluación principal del estudio. Resultados: No hubo complicaciones durante los exámenes. El tiempo medio de ayuno (rango) fue mayor (P.
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