Objective: The purpose of this study is to find out the association between eating breakfast, breakfast patterns, and the metabolic syndrome.
Methods: We used the fourth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2007 to 2009. A total of 16,734 subjects were included. Breakfast dietary patterns were extracted by factor analysis. Multiple logistic regression was used to assess the relationship between breakfast consumption, breakfast dietary patterns, and the metabolic syndrome.
Results: We found that breakfast consumption itself reduced the risk of the metabolic syndrome (odds ratio=0.82, 95% confidence interval=0.69-0.98). We identified two breakfast dietary patterns: the traditional Korean pattern and the dairy-cereal pattern. The dairy-cereal pattern was associated with a reduction in the risk of the metabolic syndrome among breakfast consumers. Compared to no breakfast consumption, the strongest traditional Korean pattern and the highest quartiles for the dairy-cereal pattern were associated with a reduced risk of the metabolic syndrome.
Conclusions: Breakfast consumption is associated with the metabolic syndrome. Not all breakfast consumption patterns are associated with a reduced risk of having the metabolic syndrome. In particular, eating either a dairy-cereal breakfast or high energy and fiber breakfast are associated with a reduced risk of the metabolic syndrome.
目的:本篇研究目的為探究吃早餐、早餐模式及代謝症候群間之相關性。方 法:使用2007 至2009 年的第四次韓國全國健康與營養評估調查資料。共有 16,734 名受訪者納入。以因素分析去歸納早餐飲食模式。以多元羅吉斯回歸評 估早餐攝取、早餐飲食模式及代謝症候群之相關性。結果:攝取早餐降低代謝 症候群之風險(勝算比=0.82,95%信賴區間=0.69-0.98)。分析歸納出兩種早餐飲 食模式:傳統韓式及乳製品-穀類模式。在有食用早餐者間,乳製品-穀類模式 與降低代謝症候群風險有關。與沒有食用早餐者相比,攝取最高的傳統韓式與 最高四分位的乳製品-穀類早餐與降低代謝症候群的風險有關。結論:早餐攝取 與代謝症候群有關。但並非所有的早餐模式與降低代謝症候群罹患風險有關。 值得關注的是,無論攝取乳製品-穀類早餐或是高熱量及纖維早餐與降低代謝症 候群風險有關。