Investigations of carbon monoxide (CO-related poisonings and deaths on houseboats were conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. These investigations measured hazardous CO concentrations on and around houseboats that utilize gasoline-powered generators. Engineering control devices were developed and tested to mitigate this deadly hazard. CO emissions were measured using various sampling techniques which included exhaust emission analyzers, detector tubes, evacuated containers (grab air samples analyzed by a gas chromatograph), and direct-reading CO monitors. CO results on houseboats equipped with gasoline-powered generators without emission controls indicated hazardous CO concentrations exceeding immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH) levels in potentially occupied areas of the houseboat. Air sample results on houseboats that were equipped with engineering controls to remove the hazard were highly effective and reduced CO levels by over 98% in potentially occupied areas. The engineering control devices used to reduce the hazardous CO emissions from gasoline-powered generators on houseboats were extremely effective at reducing CO concentrations to safe levels in potentially occupied areas on the houseboats and are now beginning to be widely used.