A study of the possible effects of repeated intracorporeal self-injection of vasoactive drugs in patients with elevated end diastolic velocity during pharmacopenile duplex ultrasonography

Cent European J Urol. 2013;66(2):210-4. doi: 10.5173/ceju.2013.02.art25. Epub 2013 Aug 13.


Introduction: The aim of the work is to evaluate the effect of repeated intracavernosal self-injection of vasoactive drugs in patients with elevated End Diastolic Velocity (>5 cm/sec) during pharmacopenile duplex ultrasonography (PPDU).

Methods: Duplex evaluation was performed to the patients on self-injection therapy for comparison of end diastolic velocity and resistive index before and after completing the eight doses of IC self-injection.

Results: After the 8 trials of home therapy, 21 (52.5%) patients showed improvement in the duplex parameters regarding the end diastolic velocity, ten of them showed improvement in the EDV to the level of <5 cm/sec. The effect of different factors that may contribute to the improvement in EDV to <5 cm/sec are shown in the table 2. Age was the only predictive factor for successful response to home therapy intracavernous injection (ICI). Improvement in erectile response was assessed before and after the course of the therapy. Erection response to ICI during penile duplex improved in only six patients (E4 & E4-5)) to the point that it was sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance, 3 of them (7.5%) regained spontaneous erection and stopped using ICI (table 3). The IIEF score was 10.6 ±2.8 before the home therapy and it became 14 ±3.9 one month after completing the treatment course (P value <0.001).

Conclusions: Early rehabilitation of the patients with venous leakage ED using ICI may help to regain normal erection and avoid unnecessary penile prosthesis surgeries.

Keywords: erectile dysfunction; intracavernosal injection; venous leakage.