Background: The present study investigated whether serum levels of soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (sVEGFR)-1, -2 and -3 are related to poor coronary collateralization in patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD).
Methods and results: Serum levels of sVEGFR-1, -2, -3, VEGF, and placental growth factor (PLGF) were determined in 403 consecutive patients with angiographic total or subtotal occlusion of at least 1 major coronary artery. The degree of collateralization was graded according to the Rentrop scoring system. Low (Rentrop score of 0 or 1) and high (Rentrop score of 2 or 3) coronary collateralization occurred in 161 and 242 patients, respectively. Serum levels of sVEGFR-1 and -2 were significantly elevated, in contrast, VEGF and PLGF levels were remarkably decreased in patients with low collateralization than in those with high collateralization (all P<0.05). Significant differences in sVEGFR-1, VEGF and PLGF levels was consistently detected between the low and high collateralization subgroups for patients with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) (for all comparisons, P<0.01). Multivariable regression analysis revealed that DM, dyslipidemia, elevated sVEGFR-1, and reduced VEGF and PLGF in serum were independently associated with a low degree of coronary collateralization.
Conclusions: Increased serum sVEGFR-1 level is associated with poor coronary collateralization in patients with stable CAD. Type 2 DM is a predominant factor affecting collateral growth in these patients.