The study investigated the effect of supplementation of chromium propionate at different dosage levels (100 to 3,200 µg/kg of elemental chromium in feed) on the performance, carcass characteristics, and immune response of broiler birds. The study was conducted on male broiler chickens (Cobb 400) for a period of 42 d as per the completely randomized design. Seven hundred 1-d-old birds were randomly segregated into 7 treatment groups, each with 10 replicates, and each replicate having 10 birds. Weight gain, feed intake, carcass characteristics, immune response, and the serum biochemical parameters of birds were studied during the supplementation period. There was no significant response to chromium supplementation on weight gain, feed intake, FCR, and lymphoid organ weights for the overall study period of 42 d. With increased chromium dosage, the breast meat yield improved linearly (P = 0.045). Antibody response to Newcastle disease vaccination improved quadratically (P = 0.001) with increased dose of chromium in the diet. Improved cell-mediated immune response was indicated by the increase (quadratic, P = 0.00) in lymphocyte proliferation ratio with increased dose of chromium supplementation. Heterophil:lymphocyte ratio decreased (quadratic, P = 0.004) with chromium propionate dosage, suggestive of reduced stress levels. Chromium propionate supplementation also reduced serum glucose levels (quadratic, P = 0.008) and improved (quadratic, P = 0.016) the total protein levels.
Keywords: broiler bird; chromium propionate; immune response; stress.