Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical and radiological results obtained in the treatment of carpal scaphoid non-union treated at the University Hospital of Valladolid using the Fisk Fernandez technique.
Material and methods: A review was performed on 43 cases of surgically treated non-union using Fisk Fernandez technique with a minimum of 6 months follow-up. The time until surgery, previous treatment, the mechanism of injury, type of non-union, and the existence of radio-carpal arthrosis were evaluated. A subjective evaluation was performed using the "Scaphoid Score" and the DASH, plus an objective assessment with the modified Green & O'Brien, together with the measurement of the intra-scaphoid, radioulnar, scapholunate angles, and carpal height.
Results: The median time to healing in the series was between 16 to 24 weeks, except in 3 patients who failed to heal and required salvage surgery. There was a statistically significant variation between the preoperative and postoperative angles and carpal height measured in the X-rays.
Discussion: There are different osteosynthesis techniques and materials for the treatment of non-union. The evaluation of results performed using objective and subjective scales showed variable results between studies. Different techniques are aimed at preventing the progression of the disease.
Conclusion: The Fisk Fernandez technique enables the deformity of the scaphoid to be corrected by wedge grafting and internal fixation with Kirschner wires or screws.
Keywords: Bone grafting; Escafoides; Injerto óseo; Non-union; Scaphoid; Seudoartosis; Tratamiento; Treatment.
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