Introduction: Brain arachnoid cysts (AC) are congenital or acquired malformations. Their prevalence in children ranges between 0.2 and 2.3% of the studied populations. Few reported studies exist where AC appears after a subdural haemorrhage.
Methods: We present one case of a symptomatic suprasellar AC after post-traumatic subdural haemorrhage in an infant.
Results: After endoscopic ventriculocystostomy, the child quickly improved and the cyst reduced in size. The child was monitored for 22 months and his neurocognitive development remained normal.
Conclusion: Our case led us to the hypothesis that the inflammatory process due to subdural haemorrhage may locally result in arachnoiditis, and thus to the creation of a neomembrane, and eventually to cyst formation. This is also the case with the development of post-traumatic spinal AC.
Keywords: Arachnoid cyst; Head trauma; Hématome sous-dural; Kyste arachnoïdien; Neurochirurgie pédiatrique; Paediatric neurosurgery; Subdural haemorrhage; Suprasellaire; Suprasellar; Traumatisme crânien.
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