In the years 1969-1980, 68 children with Hodgkin's disease were subjected to a combined MVPP and radiotherapy. Remissions were obtained in 64 patients, and relapses occurred in 11 children. The treatment of relapse consisted in administration of B-DOPA alone or alternatively with MVPP combined with radiotherapy (in 7 out of 11 patients). The patients were recycled every 2-3 weeks which, with other modifications of chemotherapy, allowed for the completion of the six first cycles within the period of 4,5 to 7 months. A relapse caused death of one child, and two others demonstrated further relapses. At present eight children have been showing disease-free survival following a relapse for the period of 29+ to 152+ (median, 94.5 months). The authors concluded that in patients with relapses of Hodgkin's disease the decisive role rests upon aggressive chemotherapy (high frequency of cycles).