Purpose: Due to decreased muscle mass in children with congenital neuropathic bladder there may be significant inaccuracy when using the creatinine based estimated glomerular filtration rate. Cystatin C is highly sensitive and specific for measuring changes in the glomerular filtration rate in children and in patients with muscle wasting conditions. We hypothesized that a cystatin C calculated glomerular filtration rate would be more sensitive than the standard creatinine based modified Schwartz equation to detect renal insufficiency in children with congenital neuropathic bladder.
Materials and methods: We prospectively identified children with congenital neuropathic bladder at a multidisciplinary spina bifida clinic who underwent serum creatinine and serum cystatin C testing. Clinical history and anthropomorphic variables at the time of laboratory testing were catalogued. The creatinine based glomerular filtration rate was estimated using the modified (bedside) Schwartz formula and the cystatin C based rate was calculated using the Zappitelli cystatin C formula.
Results: Dual estimated glomerular filtration rate calculation was done in 69 children at a total of 74 patient encounters. Absolute creatinine was within age range normal limits in each patient, including 1 with chronic kidney disease stage 3A. The median creatinine based estimated glomerular filtration rate was 123 ml per minute/1.73 m(2) (range 58 to 229). The median cystatin C based estimated rate was 103 ml per minute/1.73 m(2) (range 47 to 144) for an absolute median rate reduction of 15.4%. Using cystatin C estimates chronic kidney disease stage was upgraded from stage 1 to 2 in 13 patients (18.8%).
Conclusions: In children with neuropathic bladder the cystatin C estimated glomerular filtration rate is a better screening test for early renal insufficiency that is not detected by creatinine based rate calculations. To our knowledge it remains to be determined whether the cystatin C estimated glomerular filtration rate can ultimately improve the clinical outcome in this population.
Keywords: creatinine; cystatin C; glomerular filtration rate; kidney; neurogenic; urinary bladder.
Copyright © 2014 American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.