Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of full-field optical coherence tomography to differentiate hypertrophic and keloid scars on ex-vivo tissues.
Patients and methods: All patients who underwent resection of pathological scar from November 2012 to September 2013 were analyzed. The scars were fixed in formalin and analyzed by conventional histology and full-field optical coherence tomography. The criteria for evaluation were: presence of dermal nodules, presence of cells and hyalinization of collagen.
Results: Nineteen pathological scars were analyzed. Histology found 7 keloid scars, 7 mixed and 3 hypertrophic scars. The sensitivity of optical coherence tomography for the detection of dermal nodules was 100%. This technology was not helpful for detection of cells and hyalinized collagen.
Conclusion: In the present state of technology, optical coherence tomography did not identify the presence of cells, which makes the differential diagnosis difficult in the case of hypertrophic and keloid scars.
Keywords: Chéloïde; Cicatrices hypertrophiques; Diagnostic différentiel; Differential diagnosis; Full-field optical coherence tomography; Histologie; Histology; Hypertrophic scar; Keloid scar; Tomographie par cohérence optique plein-champ.
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