The aim of this study was to review the different imaging techniques for analysing giant intracranial aneurysms (digital subtraction angiography [DSA], magnetic resonance imaging [MRI], computed tomography [CT]) imaging and explain their respective contribution to the understanding of the characteristics of these complex aneurysms. Giant aneurysms have a complex pathology with multiple stages of evolution and consequences. Therefore, complex imaging is mandatory to enhance the understanding of these parameters and to plan an often complicated treatment strategy. DSA remains the gold standard for analysing aneurysms, but non-invasive sectional imaging (CT, MRI) also provides essential information in the specific case of giant aneurysms.
Keywords: Angiographie numérisée; Anévrysmes géants; Computed tomography; Diagnosis; Diagnostic; Digital subtraction angiography; Giant aneurysms; Imagerie par résonance magnétique; Magnetic resonance imaging; Scanner.
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