Objective: A review of the literature reveals a consensus on the high prevalence of personality disorders among sexual offenders. Studies show that there is no unique personality profile for sex offenders. In France, little research has been conducted on this population with standardized assessment tools. The objective of the present study is to identify the distribution of personality disorders among sexual offenders using a new French questionnaire, i.e. the TD12. In view of the literature, we postulate that this tool will identify the diversity of personality disorders observed by various authors, but with a higher proportion of cluster B disorders.
Methodology: This study was conducted among 56 men, including 28 sex offenders aged from 21 to 70 years old, and a control group of 28 men without psychiatric disorders. The sex offenders in this study are men convicted or charged with sex offenses of various kinds: exhibitionism, the recording, distribution and possession of pornography depicting minors, aggravated corruption of a minor, sexual assault of a minor, or rape of a minor. They were examined using an inventory of dysfunctional trends recently developed by Rolland and Pichot with the aim of assessing dysfunctional personality styles. The TD-12 questionnaire is composed of 140 items describing thoughts, feelings and behaviors. It is based on the diagnostic criteria of Axis II of DSM IV-TR and consists of twelve scales that match the personality disorders described in this diagnostic manual (ten officially recognized disorders and two additional disorders).
Results: From a categorical viewpoint, results indicate rigid dysfunctional trends with regard to avoidant personality disorder in sex offenders compared to the control group (Chi(2)=9.16; P=0.005). However, there were no significant differences between the two groups regarding the number of rigid dysfunctional trends. Potentially controllable dysfunctional personality trends are identified for the dependent personality (Chi(2)=6.72; P=0.02) and the depressive personality (Chi(2)=9.63; P=0.004). Moreover, the results show differences related to type of crime. The mean score on the Docile-Dependent scale is higher among subjects who had only downloaded images of child pornography (n=8) compared to subjects who had committed at least one sexual offense against a victim (n=20) (58.75±8.43 versus 49.55±11.66, P=0.04).
Conclusion: These results are somewhat in contradiction with previous studies. The often described cluster B personalities are not significantly observed in this study. These results show the prevalence of avoidant personality disorder, which in fact corresponds to a clinically observed sex offender profile characterized by inhibition, relationship difficulties with adults, fear of being judged or rejected, and social isolation. The study also shows the value of considering the personality profile in relation to the modus operandi. It is important to continue this research on larger groups in order to refine the results.
Keywords: Auteurs d’infractions sexuelles; Dysfunctional personality trends; Inventaire des tendances dysfonctionnelles (TD-12); Inventory of dysfunctional trends (TD-12); Personality disorders; Sex offenders; Tendances dysfonctionnelles de la personnalité; Troubles de la personnalité.
Copyright © 2014 L’Encéphale, Paris. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.