Based on data obtained using vaccine efficacy studies in mice, hamsters, and baboons, the credentials of Sm-p80 as a first tier vaccine candidate for schistosomiasis have been well established. Sm-p80-based vaccine formulation(s) have consistently exhibited potent prophylactic efficacy in reducing adult worm burden following cercarial challenge and induce killing of established adult worms in chronic infection. This vaccine is protective against both intestinal and urinary schistosomiasis. In this study, the longevity of Sm-p80-specific antibody responses was studied in mice and in baboons. Robust antibody titers were detected in mice for up to 60 weeks following vaccination with Sm-p80 recombinant vaccine (Sm-p80 + GLA-SE). In the follow-up experiments to our published studies, Sm-p80-specific IgG was also detected in baboons 5-8 years following the initial vaccination with an Sm-p80 DNA vaccine. In one baboon, transfer of Sm-p80-specific antibody was detected in umbilical cord blood and in the baby. These long-lasting humoral immune response data coupled with the vaccine efficacy data in rodents and nonhuman primates further strengthens the case for Sm-p80 to be moved forward through development leading to human clinical trials.