Iodine deficiency (ID) is an endemic health problem in Kangra District, Himachal Pradesh (HP). ID in pregnant mothers leads to neonatal hypothyroidism (NH), mental retardation, deaf mutism, squint, dwarfism, spastic dysplasia, neurological defects and congenital anomalies. NH can be assessed by estimating the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in cord blood samples. The present study was conducted with an objective to assess the prevalence of NH in district Kangra, HP. In district Kangra, all the hospitals providing obstetric services were enlisted. Three hospitals conducting more than 100 deliveries per year were selected randomly. A total of 613 umbilical cord blood samples of neonates were collected on filter papers and analyzed for TSH. TSH was estimated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. Neonates with TSH levels ⩾20 mIU/l were recalled for reassessment of TSH for confirmation of NH. Prevalence of NH was found to be 4.4%. This finding suggests the need for the implementation of a neonatal screening program for early detection of children with ID.