Success in pregnancy through intrauterine insemination at first cycle in 300 infertile couples: an analysis

J Obstet Gynaecol India. 2014 Apr;64(2):134-42. doi: 10.1007/s13224-013-0484-1. Epub 2013 Dec 1.


Objective: The aim of this article was to determine digital levels of the association of factors of pregnancy success after the first cycle of intrauterine insemination (IUI) with 300 infertile couples.

Methods: The IUI procedure was followed at 36 h after triggering the ovulation, if at least one follicle measured >15 mm. Endometrium thickness (ET) and serum luteinizing hormone (LH) levels were measured at day 10 for each patient. The post-wash total motile fraction (TMF) of semen of the partner of each patient was also evaluated. The principal component analysis (PCA) was done with the data to quantify the associations of related factors.

Results: The clinical pregnancy rate of first cycle IUI attempts was 17.3 %, observed in females, aged 20-39 years and men with TMF >5 million spermatozoa. The ovarian stimulation enabled the development of follicles measuring >16 mm, with LH levels <10 mIU/L and ET >5 mm for success. The PCA revealed that with the female-age parameter, three factors, NF, ET, and LH were related in the component 1; similarly, NF, LH, and RFS were related in component 2; age, NF, ET, LH, LFS, and TMF were related in component 3; and NF, ET, LH, RFS, and LFS in component 4 were related, i.e., the best correlation.

Conclusions: Associated principal determinative factors, LH, female-age, NF and LFS values were highly significant, but the factors, ET, RFS and TMF were statistically insignificant for success through IUI in pregnancy.

Keywords: Endometrium thickness; Fallopian tube; Intrauterine insemination; Luteinizing hormone; Number of follicles; Total motile fraction of semen.