In this study, a Clostridia-specific primer set SJ-F and SJ-R, based on the available 16S rRNA genes sequences from database, was successfully designed and authenticated by theoretical and experimental evaluations. It targeted 19 clostridial families and unclassified_Clostridia with different coverage rates. The specificity and universality of novel primer set was tested again using the dark fermentation pit mud (FPM). It was demonstrated that a total of 13 closest relatives including 12 species were affiliated with 7 clostridial genera, respectively. Compared to the well-accepted bacterial universal primer pair P2/P3, five unexpected clostridial genera including Roseburia, Tissierella, Sporanaerobacter, Alkalibacter and Halothermothrix present in the FPM were also revealed. Therefore, this study could provide a good alternative to investigate the clostridial diversity and monitor their population dynamics rapidly and efficiently in various anaerobic environments and dark fermentation systems in future.
Keywords: Biodiversity; Clostridia-specific primers; Complex microbial ecosystem; Dark fermentation pit mud; PCR-DGGE.
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