Biobrane is a biosynthetic wound dressing that has been widely used in burn treatment and as a skin graft donor site dressing. Our aim for this review was to establish whether Biobrane serves as a useful tool for the field of Dermatology and Dermatologic surgery. It has been frequently used in the field of Dermatology for the management of burns, erosive skin diseases, laser procedures, and surgical procedures. From the past experiences evident in the literature and in our cases series, it has been shown to improve patient's quality of life by reducing pain, healing time, and length of hospital stay. Our case series further demonstrate its use in temporary closures, delayed reconstructions, and secondary intention healing in Mohs surgery. Reports of successful use of Biobrane in the literature and in our case series support the fact that it is an effective therapeutic option to facilitate the healing process in the field of Dermatology and Dermatologic surgery.