e-RNA offers a free and open-access collection of five published RNA sequence analysis tools, each solving specific problems not readily addressed by other available tools. Given multiple sequence alignments, Transat detects all conserved helices, including those expected in a final structure, but also transient, alternative and pseudo-knotted helices. RNA-Decoder uses unique evolutionary models to detect conserved RNA secondary structure in alignments which may be partly protein-coding. SimulFold simultaneously co-estimates the potentially pseudo-knotted conserved structure, alignment and phylogenetic tree for a set of homologous input sequences. CoFold predicts the minimum-free energy structure for an input sequence while taking the effects of co-transcriptional folding into account, thereby greatly improving the prediction accuracy for long sequences. R-chie is a program to visualise RNA secondary structures as arc diagrams, allowing for easy comparison and analysis of conserved base-pairs and quantitative features. The web site server dispatches user jobs to a cluster, where up to 100 jobs can be processed in parallel. Upon job completion, users can retrieve their results via a bookmarked or emailed link. e-RNA is located at http://www.e-rna.org.
© The Author(s) 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.