Embryonal tumors of the central nervous system represent a highly malignant tumor group of medulloblastoma (MB), atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT) and primitive neuroectodermal tumor that frequently afflict children. AT/RT is often misdiagnosed as MB/primitive neuroectodermal tumor but with higher recurrence and lower survival rates. Pathogenesis of AT/RT is largely unknown. In this study, we report both the miRNome and transcriptome traits in AT/RT and MB by using small RNA sequencing and gene expression microarray analyses. Our findings demonstrate that the miR-221/222-encoded micro RNAs are abundantly expressed in AT/RT but not in MB, which contribute substantially to the malignancy of embryonal tumors. miR-221/222 targeted SUN2, a newly discovered tumor suppressor, directly to increase cell proliferation and tumor malignancy in vitro and in vivo. Immunohistochemistry against SUN2 in a tissue microarray of 33 AT/RT and 154 MB tumor specimens also detected less SUN2 protein in AT/RT. Collectively, this study uncovers a novel tumor suppressor, SUN2, plays a critical role in miR-221/222-mediated AT/RT malignancy as well as supports miR-221/222 and SUN2 represent new promising targets for more active therapies in AT/RT. In addition, our miRNome and transcriptome data also provide a roadmap for further embryonal tumor research.
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