In orthognathic correction of skeletal discrepancy, different treatment options should be considered to give optimum results to the patient with minimal postoperative problems caused by extensive bi-jaw surgery. In a case of severe vertical dysplasia with a large open bite, the orthodontist with the help of advanced diagnostic tools such as imaging software had planned bi-jaw surgery. However, there was a difference in opinion with the oral surgeon who considered only single jaw surgery to get adequate results. The possibility of only maxillary Le Fort I surgery creating autorotation of the mandible was considered, as 0.5° of autorotation results with 1° of maxillary posterior segment clockwise rotation thus avoiding bi-jaw surgery. After performing the Le Fort I superior repositioning of maxilla, the mandibular autorotation was not adequate, so a mandibular bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) for mandibular advancement had to be performed to achieve favourable results.
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