Metacercariae of the genus Stictodora encysted in the head tissue of Acanthogobius flavimanus (the gobies) caught at Sachun-gun, Kyongnam Province, were identified to be Stictodora lari Yamaguti, 1939 (Trematoda: Heterophyidae), a new parasite fauna in Korea. The metacercariae were 0.39-0.43 mm by 0.32-0.35 mm in size, long elliptical, and with a thin and transparent cyst wall. Total 200 metacercariae were collected from 50 gobies. In order to obtain adult worms two kittens and a puppy were infected each with 34-100 metacercariae, and total 33 adults were recovered between the day 4 and day 8 post-infection. The S. lari adults measured 0.95-1.18 mm long and 0.26-0.32 mm wide and the eggs in uteri 0.028-0.033 mm by 0.017-0.020 mm. The most characteristic morphological feature of these flukes was the presence of a gonotyl and gonotyl spines arranged in two groups; densely crowded group of 30-40 spines and linearly-arranged one of 30-40 spines, together of which made a comma (or reversed comma) shape along the lateral margin of the gonotyl. It has been proved by this study that S. lari is distributed in southern coasts of Korea.