Oral cavity and pharyngeal cancers account for 75% of head and neck cancers and are the fourth most spread cancer in men. Their incidence has decreased since 1980 in men (incidence from 2011 gives 13,930 for lip, oral cavity, pharyngeal and laryngeal carcinomas) but has increased in women, linked to the more recent smoking or alcohol intoxication in women. In addition to the smoking or alcohol consumption risk factors, the EBV role in nasopharyngeal carcinomas, HPV in the oropharyngeal carcinomas and professional exposures in paranasal sinuses cancers are recognized. Head and neck cancers are the fifth most common cancer in men mortality in France. Extended anatomical sites reflect the diagnostic's complexity specific to some locations (sinuses, nasopharynx), possible therapies and prognosis depending on the affected site.
Keywords: Epstein-Barr virus; Human Papillomavirus; epidemiology; head and neck carcinomas; laryngeal carcinomas; oral and pharyngeal carcinomas; squamous cell carcinomas.