During intracerebral stimulation of the right inferior occipital cortex, a patient with refractory epilepsy was transiently impaired at discriminating two simultaneously presented photographs of unfamiliar faces. The critical electrode contact was located in the most posterior face-selective brain area of the human brain (right "occipital face area", rOFA) as shown both by low- (ERP) and high-frequency (gamma) electrophysiological responses as well as a face localizer in fMRI. At this electrode contact, periodic visual presentation of 6 different faces by second evoked a larger electrophysiological periodic response at 6 Hz than when the same face identity was repeated at the same rate. This intracerebral EEG repetition suppression effect was markedly reduced when face stimuli were presented upside-down, a manipulation that impairs individual face discrimination. These findings provide original evidence for a causal relationship between the face-selective right inferior occipital cortex and individual face discrimination, independently of long-term memory representations. More generally, they support the functional value of electrophysiological repetition suppression effects, indicating that these effects can be used as an index of a necessary neural representation of the changing stimulus property.
Keywords: Electrical brain stimulation; Fast periodic visual stimulation; Individual face discrimination; Intracerebral recordings; Occipital face area; Repetition suppression.
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