Axon collateral projections to various lobules of the cerebellar cortex are thought to contribute to the coordination of neuronal activities among different parts of the cerebellum. Even though lobules I/II and IX/X of the cerebellar vermis are located at the opposite poles in the anterior-posterior axis, they have been shown to receive dense vestibular mossy fiber projections. For climbing fibers, there is also a mirror-image-like organisation in their axonal collaterals between the anterior and posterior cerebellar cortex. However, the detailed organisation of mossy and climbing fiber collateral afferents to lobules I/II and IX/X is still unclear. Here, we carried out a double-labeling study with two retrograde tracers (FluoroGold and MicroRuby) in lobules I/II and IX/X. We examined labeled cells in the vestibular nuclei and inferior olive. We found a low percentage of double-labeled neurons in the vestibular nuclei (2.1 ± 0.9% of tracer-labeled neurons in this brain region), and a higher percentage of double-labeled neurons in the inferior olive (6.5 ± 1.9%), especially in its four small nuclei (18.5 ± 8.0%; including the β nucleus, dorsal cap of Kooy, ventrolateral outgrowth, and dorsomedial cell column), which are relevant for vestibular function. These results provide strong anatomical evidence for coordinated information processing in lobules I/II and IX/X for vestibular control.
Keywords: cerebellar cortex; climbing fiber; mossy fiber; spinocerebellum; vestibulocerebellum.
© 2014 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.