A single-site platinum CO oxidation catalyst in zeolite KLTL: microscopic and spectroscopic determination of the locations of the platinum atoms

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2014 Aug 18;53(34):8904-7. doi: 10.1002/anie.201403353. Epub 2014 Jul 1.


A stable site-isolated mononuclear platinum catalyst with a well-defined structure is presented. Platinum complexes supported in zeolite KLTL were synthesized from [Pt(NH3)4](NO3)2, oxidized at 633 K, and used to catalyze CO oxidation. IR and X-ray absorption spectra and electron micrographs determine the structures and locations of the platinum complexes in the zeolite pores, demonstrate the platinum-support bonding, and show that the platinum remained site isolated after oxidation and catalysis.

Keywords: EXAFS; electron microscopy; platinum; single-site catalysts; zeolites.