Cervical-petrous internal carotid artery (CP-ICA) pseudoaneurysms are rare and have different etiologies, presentations, and treatment options. A middle-aged patient with a history of chronic otitis media presented with acute otorrhagia and was found to have a left-sided CP-ICA pseudoaneurysm. The patient was a poor surgical candidate with difficult arterial access. The pseudoaneurysm was treated with stand-alone coiling via a left brachial approach with persistent contrast filling seen only in the aneurysm neck at the end of the procedure. The patient re-presented 12 days later with repeat hemorrhage and rapid enlargement of the neck remnant, and was treated with a covered stent via a transcervical common carotid artery cut-down. A covered stent may provide a more definitive treatment for CP-ICA pseudoaneurysms compared with standalone coiling.
Keywords: Aneurysm; Coil; Stent.
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